Following a meltdown that leads to a suspension, professional golfer Zoe Papadopoulos travels to her grandparents village in Greece to escape the harsh spotlight of the international sports world. Between baking bread and eating baklava, she meets and mentors a ten-year-old girl who is determ...
15 year-old Alejandro Duran, who comes from a religious Latino family, aspires to one day be a Catholic priest. But when Alex discovers a mysterious box he unwittingly unleashes a demonic spirit bent on possessing him. Alex must find a way to defeat this ancient demon, which has been tormenti...
Sent to spend the summer on a remote and mysterious island, teenage brothers embark on a thrilling treasure hunt to restore their familys lost fortune.
6岁的钱克想加入班上足球队,但他的土耳其同学和德国同学却都不要他,于是钱克跑回家哭诉:「我到底算是德国人?还是土耳其人?」表姐为了安慰他,于是告诉他爷爷的故事…。原来40多年前,钱克的爷爷为了赚钱养家,只身从土耳其到德国打拼。 当生活稳定,他按计画将妻子儿女也接到德国,全家展开了新生活。 没想到,...
继澳大利亚大型教会新颂教会与相对论传媒(Relativity Studios)合作开展项目新闻传出后,其第一部电影“新颂乐队 - 让希望崛起”(Hillsong: Let Hope Rise)将于5月首映。在相对论传媒负责监制该片的马特·阿尔瓦雷斯(Matt Alvarez)周三表示,整个工 作室因为这部备受期待的电影“非常激动”,“新颂乐队 - 让希望崛起...
The film tells the story of Pedro Poveda (Raúl Escudero), a tenacious and innovative priest who opens paths in the field of education and in the defense of the rights of women in early twentieth century Spain. UNESCO recognized him in 1974 as "Educator and Humanist" and Pope John Paul II cano...
Ten-year-old Nicolas lives with his mother on a remote island, in a village inhabited solely by women and young boys. At a hospital overlooking the ocean, all the boys are subjected to a mysterious medical treatment. Only Nicolas questions what is happening around him. He senses that his moth...
本片起用大量素人演员,故事剧情建构在片中演出者的真实人生上,但写实之外,导演更点入了许多神奇超现实的荒诞色彩,夜晚现身的俄罗斯蓝眼猫,缓缓升空的火箭,包含诸多暗示和寓意,搭配壮丽湖泊及美如人间天堂的村景,使得电影中处处充满诗意和平静,被喻为该年度威尼斯影展最大惊喜。 俄罗斯北部一座与世隔绝的岛...