寻找地球以外生命 是 PBS Nova系列的一部分,由杰伊&midd·桑德斯主持的纪录片.用令人眼花缭乱的动画结合最新的望远镜影像把你带到浩瀚的宇宙,还有顶级天体生物学家的解读。是一部精彩的纪录片。
When Sam regains consciousness in the middle of a crowded subway, he doesnt know how he got there, where he came from nor his own name. He franticly searches for his identity, using the contents of his backpack. Slowly but surely he realizes his life is in great danger.
R.D. Womack IIs patiently paced thriller has been hailed, "as thrilling as it is beautiful" - Brian Corsetti, HollyScoop. Follow Lester; a privileged underachiever who awakes to find himself kidnapped and stranded in a snowbound cabin. Along with Viviana, another captive, the two must survive...
When Sam regains consciousness in the middle of a crowded subway, he doesn"t know how he got there, where he came from nor his own name. He franticly searches for his identity, using the contents of his backpack. Slowly but surely he realizes his life is in great danger.