Before man ruled the world, Earth was a land of giants. Count down the biggest beasts of their kind to ever roam the planet in this eye-opening original special, and uncover the secret lives of these super-sized species. Birds with plane-length wingspans, dinosaurs rivaling a Boeing 737; this...
15世紀初意大利南部的Puglia,年輕的修女Flavia Gaetani對宗教統治下婦女的不平等待遇質疑教會,可卻沒有得到回應。性壓抑、宗教壓迫使她透不過氣,一次機會,她和猶太人朋友Abraham逃離了修道院,不幸的是,沒多久就被神父的士兵捕獲,受到鞭刑,Abraham則被關進地牢。在穆斯林軍隊侵占意大利期間,Flavia成了穆...