英语里有一个专有名词,BIG BROTHER,直译为汉语便是“老大哥”,典出乔治·奥威尔的名著《1984》。《老大哥》是一台劲爆的真人秀节目,一群陌生人将住进一间布满了摄像机及麦克风的屋子,他们一周7天,一天24小时,所有的一举一动都将被记录下来放到银幕上。选手们在比赛时间内将互相投票,决定对方的去留。最终留下来...
Riley, Maya, Lucas, and Farkle head to High School. Riley and Maya are intimidated by the older kids. Meanwhile, Lucas and Zay try out for the football team and gets picked on by the other players. Farkle and Smackle are hanging out with the brainiacs and fit in with them really well.
33岁的母亲Debbie Maddox意外发现自己来到一个神奇的新世界,这里到处是稀奇古怪的角色,她的身边只有一个矮小的精灵肯帮助她。 Debbie以为自己疯了……因为一个过分热情的精灵出现在她家厨房的壁橱里,声称另一个世界需要她,她是他们的救赎者——「特别之人」(The Special One)。 Debbie认为精灵弄错了,但跟他走一...
In 1932 Alice Whelan, fleeing a faithless husband in England and passing herself off as a widow, arrives with her baby in Simla, India, where her brother Ralph is private secretary to the Viceroy. On the train she meets the missionary Dougie Raworth and his waspish wife Sarah with their young...
Alex will face challenges in Season 2 that make him question his true goals, and test him in ways he didnt expect. Tommy, TJ, and the whole cast of characters will grow and change and the show will go deeper into their relationships and their lives. Season 1 was just the beginning -- wait til...