连日的干旱无雨令美国西北沿岸陷入了困境之中,戴蒙博士(Alex Zahara 饰)随即展开了“祈雨者计划”,将大量液氮通过数千架无人机投入大气层之中,希望能够通过此举人工降雨。然而,让戴蒙没有想到的是,从云层之中降下的并不是雨,而是尖锐又硕大的冰雹,一时间,气温骤降,大地陷入冰封之中,人类流离失所,失去了...
本剧将带给您前所未有的近距离体验,把美国内战后与二十世纪初之间的四十年内,其间西部拓荒的野蛮,血腥与漫无法纪毫无保留的呈现给您。 从杰西詹姆斯和疯马,到怀耶特额普与水牛比尔,这些角色都在这段充满血腥暴力的美国历史里占着一席之地,每一集的故事都会探索这些西部最恶名昭彰的法外狂徒,且看他们是如何为...
When one of their own loses his wife and daughter at the hands of a serial killer, a team of ghost hunters is determined to capture the spirits of the loved ones so their spirits can finally rest in peace. But as the team goes deeper into the house, the ghosts become more hostile, and the gro...