根据Tracey Wigfield经历改篇,讲述来自新泽西的母亲,由于母女关系岌岌可危,因为到了女儿工作的有线新闻台,当起一名实习生。Andrea Martin扮演Carol,善良唠叨乐观但无趣的妈妈,她没上过大学,为了养育女儿放弃了事业。在朋友的葬礼上,听了追悼词受到了启发,她决定追求自己的梦想,去了她女儿工作的有线电视新...
My Mother And Other Strangers follows the fortunes of a rural family, the Coynes, and their neighbours in the village of Moybeg on the shores of Lough Neagh in County Tyrone, as they struggle to maintain a normal life after a huge USAAF airfield with 4,000 service men and women – complete wit...
Our World War is a gripping factual drama series offering viewers first-hand experience of the extraordinary bravery of young soldiers fighting 100 years ago. Drawing on real stories of World War One soldiers it uses the visual techniques and imagery familiar from modern warfare – POV helmet ...
故事灵感来源于上世纪80年代-90年代发生在悉尼的、针对同性恋人群的系列案件。该剧将故事地点转移到虚构的Bondi市,Tori Lustigman侦探(Yael Stone)和Nick Manning侦探(Naoh Taylor)对序列人身伤害和谋杀案展开调查。(cr 天涯小筑)
Whatever this is. follows Sam (Hunter Canning) and Ari (Dylan Marron), two production assistants in New York, and Lisa (Madeline Wise), Sams girlfriend. Sam and Ari are scraping by working on low or unpaid video production gigs thrown their way by Oscar (Ross Hamman), an existentially grumpy ...