四个生活在英国的穆斯林青年:奥马尔(Riz Ahmed 饰)、白人巴里(Nigel Lindsay 饰)、瓦伊以及费萨尔正在用一只玩具枪做道具拍摄圣战视频,献身圣战是他们狂热的梦想。奥马尔厌倦了巴里那吃电话卡避免被追踪的无厘头理论,与瓦伊远赴巴基斯坦的穆斯林游击战士训练营学习,奥马尔和瓦伊的苦逼训练生活很快因为误打...
When Amy has nowhere to go for winter break, her friend Christine insists she come stay with her family. What begins as a dream situation turns into a nightmare when Amy starts to obsess and wreak havoc on her welcoming hosts. Stars Beth Littleford, Kate Mansi.
Nina is twelve years old and her world has just been shattered to smithereens: Her parents’ marriage has broken down and they are getting a divorce. After his internationally successful debut Miracle Juraj Lehotský now brings us an intimate drama in which the viewer looks upon the world and t...
12年英国喜剧,该剧由多个单元小品组成,和《小不列颠》和《绅士联盟》一样,每个演员扮演多个角色,角色神经病,故事无厘头,又污又贱,各种一本正经的胡说八道。卡司有《致幻旅行》的Blake Harrison、《米兰达》Sally Phillips、Kayvan Novak、Morgana Robinson和其他众多明星。
故事发生在一个虚构的西班牙岛屿上,Woody (Novak饰演)作为一个卧底记者遭人陷害,被英国皇室追捕。无奈的他前往前同事Brutus (Walsh饰演)那里寻求帮助。Brutus见到他似乎并不是很高兴,称他为扫把星,一直想赶他走,但Woody死缠烂打,Brutus终于答应让他呆在他那避避风头。然后,吃饱了撑着的他便发挥以往的职业特...