When Valerie (Sheila McCarthy) returns home from prison years after killing her neighbour in an apparent drunk driving accident, she wants nothing more than to move on — until the deceased’s son shows up at her door and it becomes clear that the past is not easily forgotten.
An alcoholic drifter must battle withdrawal and psychotic rednecks after he becomes the target of a deranged sporting event.
法蒂玛是个单亲妈妈,用打扫卫生的微薄薪水独自带着两个女儿生活在巴黎——15岁的苏阿德正值青春反抗期,18岁的娜斯蕾刚刚开始就读医学院。法蒂玛的法语很差,而生长在法国的女儿们又不和她说阿拉伯语,法蒂玛每天都在为和女儿的交流感觉力不从心。她既为她们感到骄傲又因为交流不够而不 禁担心。一天法蒂玛不小心从楼...
Pawi是上流社会的花花公子,他英姿飒爽、绯闻不断,他所说的每一句话都纯粹是来取悦女人。但是山外有山,天外有天,直到他遇到了生命中特别的女人Irada。 Irada是一个敢做敢想的女占卜师分享者电视,为了替母亲视,为了替母亲还债,设计让花花公子Pawi娶自己为妻,并定下4千万泰铢的离婚损失费协议。婚后二人想尽办...