The original band of brothers as they navigate Sheffield and its crumbling healthcare, education and employment sectors, exploring the brighter, sillier and more humane way forward where communal effort can still triumph over adversity.
亚历山大(米基·哈特 Mickey Hardt 饰)的父亲经营着一家香水公司,亚历山大拥有与生俱来的灵敏嗅觉,对香味非常的敏感,因此在事业上给与了父亲许多的帮助。一次偶然中,亚历山大邂逅了名为托尼(瓦莱丽·涅豪斯 Valerie Niehaus 饰)的美丽单亲妈妈,并且震惊的发现托尼的儿子雅诺士拥有着异于常人的嗅觉。 亚历山...
California gold rush, late 1800's: A gun slinging bounty hunter (Mortimer) travels deep into the mountains to find a deadly Apache warrior (Brother Wolf) who is wanted by the law. Along the way he passes through a gold mining Town. The miners help direct Mortimer to the Apache and send him on...
Three sister reunite for a family inheritance only to confront their longtime issues. They're left to remain in a doll house to collect the money but instead are plunged into a nightmare they must survive. A killer wants them and their friends dead.