导演IG @poj_arnon
Sketch comedy is back! If "Key & Peele" & "Clerks" had sex, BAD PEOPLE would be their deranged child! A quirky & smart dark comedy, bursting with sex, violence, dirty politics & fame whores, BAD PEOPLE is a hilarious tale that reminds us that we all have a dark side! This soon...
Bad Roomies is a dark comedy about two guys living together who| after losing their roommate| put out an ad to find a new one. After a series of disastrousinterviews with potential roommates they settle on an apparently harmless but beautiful girl. All seems to be going well despite the simme...
从《音为爱》中脱颖而出的配角 Tawach Ponratnabraset,这一次在《读懂你的心》中引领着一群酷爱恐怖片的宅男们,终日倒弄着拍鬼片,却总是无法认真地完成一部影片。转校过来的新女生 Brang 某日吸引到了Mo的注意。他们千方百计地招募Brang加入到自己的团队。与此同时,Mo好像渐渐爱上了Brang。
影片故事讲述两个男人如何在一部电影上花掉十亿美元,并号称请来约翰·C·赖利、扎克·加利费安纳基斯、威尔·法瑞尔、威尔·福特等等一群喜剧明星联合主演。 喜剧谐星Tim Heidecker与Eric Wareheim联手出击,一干喜剧明星也热情捧场客串。两个家伙得到一亿美元拍电影,却只能看着自己的 梦想越走越偏……