Our World War is a gripping factual drama series offering viewers first-hand experience of the extraordinary bravery of young soldiers fighting 100 years ago. Drawing on real stories of World War One soldiers it uses the visual techniques and imagery familiar from modern warfare – POV helmet ...
12年英国喜剧,该剧由多个单元小品组成,和《小不列颠》和《绅士联盟》一样,每个演员扮演多个角色,角色神经病,故事无厘头,又污又贱,各种一本正经的胡说八道。卡司有《致幻旅行》的Blake Harrison、《米兰达》Sally Phillips、Kayvan Novak、Morgana Robinson和其他众多明星。
Alia decides to leave Bangkok and return to Jakarta once after her parents died. She and Abel, her teenage sister, moved into their childhood home away from the city. But Abel, who was often strange and frightened, disliked the house. He said there was something else besides them. Alia and Da...
As a mother and daughter struggle to cope with the terrors of the post-revolution, war torn Tehran of the 80s, a mysterious evil begins to haunt their home.80年代两伊战争期间,一对母女在革命后饱受战火摧残的德黑兰艰难求生。不知何时起,一个未知的邪恶力量似乎入侵了她们的家庭。
根据原俄国名作家普希金名著改编。 乡间贵族小姐丽莎与青年阿列克塞经过种种波折最后终成眷属。情节离奇曲折、充满趣味。 别列斯托夫和邻居穆斯基多年不合,互不往来。二个贵族各有一儿一女。别列托夫的儿子阿列克塞是个棒小伙子却不喜欢上层社会的生活,常和女佣们“混”在一起。听到此事,穆罗姆斯...
Giacomo (Fabio De Luigi) is a great heir of industrial, but he prefers to devote his mind to thoughts and fantasies. An esoteric will change Giacomos life by telling him that he identified the current reincarnation of his father, who died when he was a young boy. The reincarnation is Mario Pi...