The story follows 19-year-old Renee (Kat Dennings) who has always loved fairy tales: the idea of a princess, a hero and a happily ever after. But Renees life is that of a darker tale: shes a young woman battling addiction, depression and self-injury. In a creative blend of artistic fantasy ba...
泰国制作公司 贝蒂是一名颜值与智商成反比的女孩,她在经济管理方面能力出众,但却因为丑在找工作时屡屡碰壁,在最后关头她终于应聘上了POSH进口公司。这家公司的大少达奈是一名花花公子,剧中他需要通过取得一番成就而向父亲证明自己的实力,与此同时,另一位大股东的代管理者也对公司的掌控跃跃欲试。贝蒂不知道的...
Porn has gone mainstream; the question is, can we handle it? This exploration of the intersection of sex and technology is told through the stories of the people whose lives are defined by the current explosion of internet porn-whether theyre creating it, consuming it, or both.
该剧根据史蒂夫-金的同名畅销书改编,著名制片人David E. Kelley担任剧集总监,Jack Bender参与制片并执导首集。故事描述一个疯狂的杀手用一系列可怕的信件和电子邮件来嘲弄一个退了休的警探,迫使这名警探私下展开调查行动。他发誓要将穷凶极恶的杀手绳之以法,以免他再次作案害人。Brendan Gleeson扮演主人公Bill ...
Six months no longer part of the Organization, the Coopers have to live their lives without being spies. That changes their lives forever. But when K.C finds out that Ursula has been torturing them, the Coopers have to strike back to get Judy back and to eliminate Ursula.
Thomas Sullivan Magnum, III grew up with a father in the Navy, who died when he was ten, and entered the Naval Academy at 18. Magnum, a third generation Naval officer, graduated the Academy, became a Navy Seal, and was sent to Vietnam. He made two life-long friends, Theodore "TC" Calvin and O...
与以往相比,本季最重大的变化是一直作为SVU法律支援的中坚力量,由Stephanie March扮演的助理地区检察官Alexandra Cabot在工作中遇到了前所未有的巨大挑战,不得不退出了SVU,接替她的是Casey Novak,由曾经在第三季中客串的Diane Neal扮演,从而完成了SVU至今最近的一次角色变动。究竟Alex遇到了怎样的危机?她离...