Exuberant CHLOE is a whirlwind of energy who acts purely on impulse and has never quite grown up. Industrious JEFF is a hard-working guy who plans his future, step by step. When the two fall in love, they inevitably quarrel and break up. But when they decide to pretend to still be together so...
Babi discovers a betrayal by her long-term partner and decides to embark on a new adventure in life. On this journey, she meets judge Marco and they begin to live a story permeated by a lot of sexual tension.
本片源自于瑞典导演奥拉西蒙森、乔安史特贾恩·尼尔森的成名短片《One Apartment and Six Drummers》。 出生于著名音乐世家的警官阿玛迪斯仇恨音乐,童年记忆是一长串代表荣耀的祖先名单,但他痛恨音乐,那对他是一种折磨。当一群倡导无政府主义的鼓手发动音乐快闪攻击,把整座城市当作乐器敲打,先是潜入开刀房,用...
在苏丹的美国记者面临进退两难的选择,到底是要回国报道他们所看到的暴行,还是留下来帮助他们遇到的受害者呢?(译:sky200700) 苏丹达尔富尔(Darfur)地区位于苏丹西部,与乍得接壤,面积约占全国总面积的五分之一。这里地势较高,降雨量多,自然条件仅次于苏丹南部和尼罗河沿岸,蕴藏的石油等自然资源也有待开发。约...