2006年法国安锡(Annecy)国际动画电影节上,本片被评为“动画的世纪•100部作品”第49名。 对一切充满好奇、单纯天真的小刺猬去找森林另一头的朋友小熊一起数星星,路上,它不时地看看这个摸摸那个,一只对它饶有兴趣的猫头鹰开始紧跟它。看到迷雾中的一匹白马时,它喜欢上了对方的形象,走进迷雾希望自己也能拥有那种...
10-year-old Harriet dreams of leaving her home, where she doesn't feel she's needed by her mother and sister Gwen. When her mother dies in a car accident, she really starts to make plans for leaving and she finally does so together with her childlike (mentally ill) friend Ricky.
讲述一位失明钢琴家Maria Theresia von Paradis,因为得到某位医师的特别治疗而重获部分视力。但当她得到视力后,上天却夺去她对音乐的敏感度,本来弹得一手出神入化的好钢琴,却因为能见到键盘而令音色变得平庸不堪。 故事根据真人真事改编而成。