这是一群疯狂迷恋速度的飞车族。 他们的激情:在高速路上飞驰改装的名款轿车。 他们的难题:作为特大奢侈轿车盗窃案的嫌疑犯,被警察盯梢…… 卡尔是一名年轻警官,被上司派去跟踪这群俊男靓女,收集指控他们的证据。然而,当这个克己奉公的小警察碰上尼基,飞车族里开着宝马四处放电的热辣女郎,便招架不住 了。通过...
The larger-than-life story of Kim Dotcom, the "most wanted man online", is extraordinary enough, but the battle between Dotcom and the US Government and entertainment industry, being fought in New Zealand, is one that goes to the heart of ownership, privacy and piracy in the digital age. Thre...