故事讲述宇航员任务期间突发意外,伤病严重无法支撑返回地球治疗。情急之下,一名女外科医生临危受命,亲身飞赴空间站展开救援行动。时间有限,巨大的困难与挑战下,一场零重力下的极限救援即将上演! 影片为人类首部太空实拍电影。
《盗光者》是Aktan Arym Kubat执导的剧情片,Aktan Arym Kubat和Taalaikan Abazova出演。该片讲述了一个多姿多彩、善恶分明的现代寓言故事。影片的主角是一名电工,他对周围人的影响远远超出了他的工作所定义的范围。他是一个巨大的能量系统中的最后一环,他成为后苏联空间的地缘政治问题与普通民众之间的桥梁。该国...
四个生活在英国的穆斯林青年:奥马尔(Riz Ahmed 饰)、白人巴里(Nigel Lindsay 饰)、瓦伊以及费萨尔正在用一只玩具枪做道具拍摄圣战视频,献身圣战是他们狂热的梦想。奥马尔厌倦了巴里那吃电话卡避免被追踪的无厘头理论,与瓦伊远赴巴基斯坦的穆斯林游击战士训练营学习,奥马尔和瓦伊的苦逼训练生活很快因为误打...
A father and a son from Crimean Tatar family transport the body of deceased older son and brother from Kyiv to bury him in Crimea.
Women on the Run. Vera has lived a wonderful life with Jindrich, and she is fully determined to fulfill his last wish - running a marathon. The emancipated and spirited mother of three daughters doesn't think that doing so will be a problem. She and her daughters will split up the route ...
入围第54届卡罗维发利电影节主竞赛单元。 Vasil has just lost his long-time partner in life, his wife Ivanka. When a woman at her funeral proclaims that the dead woman called her cellphone, Vasil seeks out the help of a well-known psychic in order to try to contact his wife. His son Pavel tries...