汉娜(卡罗利妮·舒赫 Karoline Schuch 饰)是一名正在攻读企业管理专业的大学生,在毕业之前,她决定千里迢迢前往以色列实习,她坚信这样一段并不轻松的实习经历将会给她的个人简历添上浓墨重彩的一笔。在以色列当地的一所专门照顾残障人士的机构里,汉娜邂逅了名为伊泰(Doron Amit 饰)的以色列男子,巧合的是,伊...
在一座位于城市中央的大剧院内,每个华灯初上的夜晚,剧院内便会响起《胡桃夹子》的旋律,美丽的芭蕾舞演员随着音乐翩翩起舞,曼妙多姿,倾倒众生。在剧院的最远端,小老鼠杰瑞和塔菲(Chantal Strand 配音)每日里准时观看《胡桃夹子》表演,他们欢呼喝彩,乐在其中。可是没有演出的日子如此难熬,杰瑞他们无比落...
Max is a real jerk. A long time ago, the successful lawyer had turned over all the routine duties of family life to his wife Nathalie. His comfort and leisure time were a far greater priority. Sell the roadster and buy an efficient family car? No way! But then, Max’s fast-paced life suddenly ...
Gray-haired furniture retailer Paul Winkelmann still has his dinner cooked and his laundry done by his mother. He spends his evenings playing Scrabble with Mama's friends and discussing the role of women in society in his carnival club. When he meets psychologist Margarete Tietze, "...
汉娜(卡罗利妮·舒赫 Karoline Schuch 饰)是一名正在攻读企业管理专业的大学生,在毕业之前,她决定千里迢迢前往以色列实习,她坚信这样一段并不轻松的实习经历将会给她的个人简历添上浓墨重彩的一笔。在以色列当地的一所专门照顾残障人士的机构里,汉娜邂逅了名为伊泰(Doron Amit 饰)的以色列男子,巧合的是,伊...
A mysterious nomad known as the "Artist" practices a dark art form passed down through the generations.
When brave elephant Rock (Cary Elwes) sees his wife| Melody (Alexa PenaVega)| kidnapped by the powerful human king (Patrick Warburton)| the mighty warrior will needsome jumbo-sized help from his friends in order to rescue her. Coming to his aid is a quirky| courageous troop of young elephants...
Erwin Rommel war der Vorzeige-General der Nationalsozialisten - und wird von Hitler am Ende in den Selbstmord gezwungen. Er stieg auf in einem verbrecherischen System und wurde auch sp?ter in der Bundesrepublik geachtet. Wie geht das zusammen? Das Webspecial zum gro?en ARD-Film "Rommel".