Steven Universe is an American animated television series created by Rebecca Sugar for Cartoon Network. It is the coming-of-age story of a young boy named Steven, who grows up with three magical aliens, the "Crystal Gems" Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl, and helps them protect the world from their...
Eight year old Anthony is somewhat uneasy about spending the weekend with his alcoholic, down-on-his-luck carpenter dad Walt while his mom Bonnie and her new husband Kyle go to a Catholic retreat together. Walt is just as uneasy about spending time with Anthony, especially since their first d...
The journey of a professional wrestler who becomes a small town pastor and moonlights as a masked vigilante fighting injustice. While facing crises at home and at the church, the Pastor must evade the police and somehow reconcile his violent secret identity with his calling as a pastor.
14 ordinary members of the U.K. public are challenged to go on the run, and to drop off the grid for up to 28 days. This is a twist on the reality TV genre, with simulated state tracking by professional investigators, hackers, profilers and ex-police officers. With limited financial resources...
迫于同学和家长的压力,以Moss(Prangthong Changthom饰)为首的一群高中生前往一座秘密的神社,将灵魂抵押给复仇怨灵Kaew(Thitima Maliwan饰),以期她能保佑他们顺利考入名牌大学。不久,他们梦想成真了。他们之中,除了有些将信将疑的Moss以外,没有人认为一句无心之失 的话将会酿成他们朋友的惨死。但是邪恶的怨...