Lou est une jeune fille créative et rêveuse d’une douzaine d’années. Elle vit seule avec sa mère, Emma, qui a mis de c?té sa vie de femme ces dernières années pour se consacrer à l’épanouissement de sa fille. Leur cocon confortable cache malgré tout quelques failles : Emma stagne et glisse do...
因为妇产科护士坦承12年前将有钱中产阶级的Quesnoy家的男孩与下层阶级Groselle(北非移民)家的女孩掉包,现在Quesnoy不想交还女 儿,还想把儿子Momo买过来。Momo是在粗野恶劣的家庭环境中长大的早熟聪明圆滑小惯窃,但是他到了Quesnoy家却把他们弄得鸡犬不宁。这是一部社会讽刺剧,对有钱阶级和没钱阶级同时进行炮...
胖女郎珊因体型肥胖加上动作迟缓, 打工屡次被辞退, 影响她做人消极, 缺乏自信心. 珊认识另一身躯肥胖的麦包, 他的性格却甚为乐观, 时常鼓励珊, 并且因为他积极和乐天的个性, 使珊父去除顽固, 与子女关系改善. 珊与麦在一商场当便衣保安, 追查炸弹勒索事, 先是乌龙百出, 正当面临被辞退时, 二人发现线索, 施展浑身解...
Rachel| a female war veteran returns home only to launch her own personal vendetta against the criminal underworld when a family member mysteriously dies. Theunderworld kingpin rules with an iron fist and those below her are terrified when her name is even mentioned. In order to get closer to...
男爵艾默生利用他的巨大财富在世界进行旅行和狩猎。他自己不打猎,他带着打猎的战士。男爵到达美国边境,寻找到他的下一个猎物。一个名叫张伯伦的被判处绞 刑的囚犯。男爵安排张伯伦被释放,这样张伯伦就可以带他找他喜欢的动物,在狂野的西部。生命和死亡的血腥的游戏。
The stranger-than-fiction true story of George Lazenby, a poor Australian car mechanic who, through an unbelievable set of circumstances, landed the role of James Bond in On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969), despite having never acted a day in his life. Then after being offered the nex...
Reveals the events behind Kurt Cobain"s death as seen through the eyes of Tom Grant, the private investigator that was hired by Courtney Love in 1994 to track down her missing husband (Kurt Cobain) only days before his deceased body was found at their Seattle home. Cobain"s death was ruled a ...