The Snail And The Whale follows the amazing journey of a tiny snail who longs to see the world and manages to hitch a ride on the tail of a huge humpback whale. The story is a joyous, empowering tale about the natural wonders of the earth and discovering that however small you are, you can ma...
When a plane crashes, Newspaper columnist Peyton MacGruder discovers a Note that was meant for the child of one of the passengers. "The Note" shows how dramatically life can change in a spilt second...the need to make a connection and reach out to someone you care about. If only we ...
Das emotionsgeladene Familienepos erz?hlt die Geschichte von Adi und Rudi Dassler, die als Pioniere ihrer Zeit gemeinsam einer unternehmerischen Vision folgen und aus dem kleinen bayerischen Herzogenaurach zu Deutschlands ambitioniertesten Sportschuhfabrikanten aufsteigen. Doch der detailvers...
Eddy、Théo、Walter和Roxane私人本是巴黎上塞纳省地区的警察。因为他们的好友兼上司麦克斯在一起案子中无辜受冤枉崩溃自杀, 彻底的改变了他们的生活。对警局的失望和为了还伙伴一个清白,他们不惜违反法律进行各种活动与调查, 从而走上了灰色执法的道路,游走在法律与正义的边缘。在这一过程中,有偶遇的案件,又...
On the verge of making partner, Josh Pratts life is turned upside down when the SEC investigates the head of his multibillion-dollar hedge fund for insider trading. Forced into a well-timed "vacation" he never asked for Josh finds himself in Bangkok with a price on his head, a morally ambiguo...