地球即将毁灭!!成千上万陨石来袭,让你逃也不了!终于……该来的还是来了,成千上万有如小岛般的陨石正沿著地球的轨道飞来,躲不了也无处可逃,而每颗陨石都具有1000颗核子弹的威力,不管它的落点在哪都将带来彻底的毁灭。美国太空总署(NASA)和尼尔·甘特教授(克里斯丁·索利曼诺 饰)又将如何解决这场终极浩劫呢?
The story revolves around a young woman who entered into a strip club called À mon seul désir one day. She believed she’d found a place where love couldn’t reach her, where a cunt was called a cunt, and where she could play with her body unhampered by matters of the heart. But further surpris...
海面上停泊着德国战舰,法西斯德军虎视耽耽地环视着海面,海底苏联潜艇严正以待,静观海面上德军的动静……突然,一颗炸弹飞来,一颗鱼雷发射,喊声、汽笛声连成一片。海上大战开始了…… 为数不多的前苏联二战海战题材电影。二战期间在德国陆军大举入侵苏联的同时,德国海军也封锁了海面,一面围剿苏联所剩无几的海军...