第十八季 (播出目录) (2022) Season 18 https://www.history.com/shows/ancient-aliens/season-18 , S18E01 披露事件 The Disclosure Event (2022年01月07日播出); S18E02 立石之谜 Mystery of the Standing Stones (2022年01月14日播出); S18E03 神殿之下 Beneath the Sacred Temples (2022年01月21日播出); S1...
Four athletically able teenagers along with their brainy friend Billy are selected by Zordon to fight the evil of Rita Repulsa, her monsters and her minions after the witch is accidentally released from imprisonment in an intergalactic dumpster on the moon. Later in the series, the rangers a...
当马克思从伤病中恢复后,他做了一个夜间保安,他也开始经常能看到一个神秘的女子出现在商店的镜子中,是幻觉还是...于镜子入面,亡灵仍然「活着」,无时无刻等待着复仇的机会…… 在一次车祸中丧失未婚妻的麦斯,为帮父亲而暂时于重开的五月天百货做夜间保安,自此他便常常看见「异像」。 麦斯上班不久便时常遇上怪事...
Zombie Honeymoon is a romantic horror film about a young married couple, madly in love, on their honeymoon. One day on the beach, the groom Danny is attacked and killed by a man who rises up out of the water with no explanation, leaps on top of him, and vomits blood into his mouth. Danny is ...
快人快语的Guy 带着他精神脆弱的妻子Corrine到美丽的哥斯达黎加度假。他是为了生意去那里的,一路上他几乎没有放下手机。愤世嫉俗的Solange及其脾气火爆的情人Joaquim和他表面上是傻子的兄弟Nicky一直跟踪着他们。这三位打算绑架可怜的Corrine来迫使Guy放手他们委托他保管的一大笔 猴岛历险钱。所有的人都进入了一...