在无边无际的沙漠的一角有一个干净整洁的小镇,小镇的居民生活的很平静。一个阳光明媚的星期一,卡纳尔(Marcus Thomas 饰)怀着激动的心情去应征银行职员,可是当他来到小镇的银行时,负责人告诉他银行被抢劫了,一片混乱,警察正调查此事。而卡纳尔的工作也泡汤了,因为目前银行特殊原因不再需要人手。银行 发生这...
David Billa a refugee comes to Rameswaram in Tamil Nadu and his journey begins into crime. Initially he starts as a local diamond smuggler. He eventually meets Abbasi, an underworld don in Goa and helps him out in a deal and wins his favor. For one of Abbasis deals Billa goes to Georgia where...
★收录【神鬼战士】、【星际效应】、【狮子王】、【黑暗骑士】、【全面启动】之配乐现场演出 气势磅礡的交响乐壮阔演奏,千回百转又扣人心弦的旋律铺陈,打造完美贴合电影每分每秒氛围的衬底音乐,Hans Zimmer生涯替超过100部以上的电影谱写配乐,并且让自己成为了众人难以超越的殿堂级巨擘,更立下许多配乐界的全新...
Bilal, a bright eyed carefree boy ignited with fanciful imagination and a dream only a 7 years old can conjure. His voice, a true gift. On a day as similar as any, this dream turns into a nightmare when the village he lives in is ransacked, orphaning him and his younger sister, Ghufaira. Thro...