Andre, recovering from a recent accident, agrees to help his friend Robert by taking over a house sitting job at a creepy home nestled in the hills above Los Angeles. As night comes, the house reveals its insidious nature as Andre begins hearing ominous sounds and experiencing strange occurre...
Terror arrives at the one place we all feel safest in this taut psychological thriller starring Natasha Henstridge| Jason Patric and Scott Adkins. When a wealthy woman and her stepson are targeted by a trio of expert thieves in their remote mansion| her only form of help comes from a call wit...
In 1929, an expedition of university botanists enter an uncharted forest where they discover, and must escape an ancient organism.
In this TV-movie, Robin Sachs plays Coplann, a member of the Minbari Grey Council. In an episode of "Star Trek: Voyager" (1995), Sachs plays an alien named Valen. In B5, Valen is the name of the Minbari holy figure who originally formed the Council.