A blind street musician, shut off from everything but her music, begins working with a reclusive composer who uses sensual metaphors as teaching tools. Farced with the possibility of regaining her eyesight she fears she will lose her musical inspiration
Hyunjae confesses his love to Sumin who is his first love, but she hesitates and his best friend declares the end of the friendship. They don´t pity for Hyunjae who´s within sight of death and just think of themselves. Unknown things happen around Hyunjae. One day, Byungjae with a strange acc...
为纪念苏联卫国战争30周年,前苏联莫斯科电影制片厂于1970—1972年,拍摄了一部堪称前苏联电影史上耗资最巨、规模最大、场面最为壮观的战争题材影片———《解放》。影片从1943年苏联红军反攻(库尔斯克战役)开始,到强渡涅伯河,解放基辅,最后攻克柏林。分为五集,片长将近8个小时。导演尤里·奥泽洛夫为 强调“纪实性”...
潜入无法形容的恐怖作为Sharknado的卡西谢尔博深处来面对翅的吸血海怪在这个悬念普照冷水机一大群共同主演乔纳森力普尼基(杰里·马圭尔),布兰登 - 比默(电视台的“大胆与美丽”)和凯文·多布森(电视的“绳结登陆”)。而疏浚黄金下方白令海,兄弟姐妹唐娜(谢尔博)和乔(力...
The family preparing for their grandfather’s ancestral offering, forget to buy bean sprouts. Like Abbas Kiarostami’s Where Is My Friend’s House, a girl gets lost on her way to market. She ends up in a house of an old man in a straw hat. That night on the ancestral offering table, she puts a s...
Westbrick镇是一个偏僻的小镇。年轻的菜鸟警察马修与他的妻子来到这里生活。与此同时,连环杀手Billy和Barbara走上大开杀戒,以获得恶名。 Matthew的第一次出勤的拍档是老...