电影《风月之家》(《casa de remolienda》)就是充分利用了智利南部旖旎的风光来衬托和讲述这个对我而言已经不新鲜的故事。 一位风韵犹存的乡下女人带着三个早已成年的儿子到镇上找失散多年的妹妹。后者恰好在镇上经营一家夜总会,带着三个年轻貌美的风月场上的女人。三对年轻人几乎是一见钟情,然而,与所有的故...
Güeros is a road movie in which the travellers barely manage to leave town. A coming of age comedy which pays homage to the French new wave, it was filmed in black-and-white and in 4:3 ratio. Being a somewhat unusual film, Güeros begins with a rather different kind of explosion: a water bomb ...