一生代表著自由與叛逆的龐克文化,她不可一世、挑戰禁忌,不理被主流排斥。70年代,Vivienne Westwood與前伴侶Sex Pistols經理人令倫敦吹起一陣龐克風。龐克時尚就是反叛的標記,時裝寄託了她的一種政治表態。「西太后」果敢地透過時裝發起一場場保衞環境的運動,由個人叛逆伸延到愛與地球的精神,在鼓吹消費的時尚...
这一次,袭击将在纽约展开。经过第七季的努力,杰克(基弗·萨瑟兰 Kiefer Sutherland 饰)终于获得了总统的赦免,现在一身轻松的与女儿和孙女过着简单、轻松的幸福生活。可是这样的生活却没有持续多久,一名雇佣兵找上门来,希望杰克能回到重新组建的CTU,帮忙调查一场即将展开的恐怖阴谋。原来,一个中东国家的总统...
法国人这次又拿自己寻了回开心,世袭贵族Neuville的Arbac 一家11口人(外加狗一只)居住在和他们的头衔一样古老的城堡(年久失修,绝对的危房)中,靠政府救济和向路人兜售假古董过着基本上足不出户的生活,然而一笔巨额的到期欠款逼着他们无法再享受自己的“贵族生活”,一个个不切实际的点子由此而生......
After the tragic death of her husband, a soldier posted to Afghanistan, Bryony tries to build a new life for herself and her young son, James. Struggling with her own grief she fails to notice that James has become secretive and withdrawn, spending hours alone playing out death scenes with hi...
一生代表著自由與叛逆的龐克文化,她不可一世、挑戰禁忌,不理被主流排斥。70年代,Vivienne Westwood與前伴侶Sex Pistols經理人令倫敦吹起一陣龐克風。龐克時尚就是反叛的標記,時裝寄託了她的一種政治表態。「西太后」果敢地透過時裝發起一場場保衞環境的運動,由個人叛逆伸延到愛與地球的精神,在鼓吹消費的時尚...
Based on a true story, John Larroquette plays a hotshot executive that ends up in court over a certain charge. He is sentenced to community service. He is assigned to coach a basketball team of mentally handicap citizens. At first, he is reluctant and thinks selfishly of his own needs. Later ...
Brooke, a plain but creative and hard-working student at the top fashion school in the nation, who has come a long way from her tough childhood spent going from one foster home to another as an orphan. She has always dreamed of becoming a fashion designer, and is thrilled to finally be on her...
When a terrified family flees a desolate southern New Zealand farmhouse, two cynical scientists and a young psychic are sent to investigate their claims of a haunting. There they encounter a powerful spirit that will protect the houses secrets at all costs.