In 2261, the Vorlons join the Shadow War, but their tactics become a concern for the alliance when the Vorlons begin destroying entire planets which they deem to have been "influenced" by the Shadows. Disturbed by this turn of events, Babylon 5 recruits several other powerful and an...
The movie tells the story of Anna and Jacky, old school friends who have not seen each other in many years. They are reunited on one passionate, emotional, and sexually adventurous night in Los Angeles. Featuring powerful performances by the lead actresses, and breathtaking cinematography
故事讲述的是当杜克埃文斯(Ethan Flower 饰),失去美国国家安全局的分析师工作之后,被驱逐出他原来居住的地方,他和他的家庭只能搬到他的祖父曾经居住过的旧小屋里。