Based on the popular Imperium Comics series, Trailer Park of Terror. Six troubled high school students and their chaperon, an optimistic youth ministries Pastor, return from an outdoor character building retreat in the mountains. During a raging storm, their bus crashes, hopelessly stranding...
地震学家杰克与未婚妻凯伦前往湖边小镇度假,却意外在湖边发现一具焦黑的尸体及疑似爆炸烧毁的游艇残骸后,原来不远处因开採疏失意外挖掘出了一条埋在地底深处的鋰矿脉,鋰矿只要一接触到水就会马上引爆火焰,而这条矿脉竟然就埋在湖底下! 小镇地底四处窜出致命毒气,引爆无坚不摧的炬火,正当军方下令封锁此地区时...
连日的干旱无雨令美国西北沿岸陷入了困境之中,戴蒙博士(Alex Zahara 饰)随即展开了“祈雨者计划”,将大量液氮通过数千架无人机投入大气层之中,希望能够通过此举人工降雨。然而,让戴蒙没有想到的是,从云层之中降下的并不是雨,而是尖锐又硕大的冰雹,一时间,气温骤降,大地陷入冰封之中,人类流离失所,失去了...
When a young man sees his fiancée struck and killed by a hit-and-run driver, he is inconsolable. When questioned by the police, he is unable to remember anything that he saw, even though he wants very much to have the driver caught. A week later, he is visited by a stranger who claims he can...