The three-parter is based on Guy Lyon Playfair’s book This House is Haunted and will be directed by Kristoffer Nyholm, the Dane whose credits include The Killing and Lars von Trier’s The Idiots and Breaking the Waves. Playfair, a paranormal investigator, originally published the book in 1980 ...
Rushing to a bank robbery, Ben perfectly follows arrest procedure only to see a fugitive commit suicide. Sammy and Nate investigate the murder of a street gang member who was recently acquitted of rape, probably ignoring shes the daughter of gang baron Luis Reyes. Russell is amused to see Lid...
本片内容跨越了半个世纪,真实而深刻的记述了德蕾莎修女秉持著对上帝的信仰与奉献的精神,发扬人性至善的光辉,超越国界与藩篱,给予数以百万计贫困苦难的人带来 希望与尊严慈悲的恻隐之心,无怨无悔的照顾无依无靠的人们,让他们知道有人关心著他们,她抚慰了苦难人的心,发扬了信、望、爱的至高精神,为那些弃婴...
A group of five young friends travel from Los Angeles to exotic Panama for a week of partying in lush tropical paradise. Befriending a beautiful local woman in their hotel bar, they learn of a secret jungle hike to a pristine waterfall nearby. The woman cautions them strongly against the hik...