4段灵异的奇妙物语 给你4种前所未有的惊魂体验 4位泰国顶尖惊悚好手 携手送上4份精心为您炮制的死亡大礼
Living with my friend and his wife! The three of us! Ji-soo and Joon-yeong have been married for 5 years. Unlike the first few years of marriage, Joon-yeong is terrified at the sound of Ji-soo taking a shower. However, Ji-soo advances on Joon-yeong more and more because she wants to have chi...
美莲妮刚与男朋友分手,继而搬去费城重新开始过,她找到一份临时的 秘书工作,公司总裁汤对她爱护有嘉,亦开始展开追求。汤原来是一名有妇 之夫,他的妻子聘请一名私家侦探监视其夫的一举一动,汤突然被发现倒毙 在一所住所,美莲妮嫌疑最大,而没有人相信她是无辜的。美莲妮想证明清白,她惟有自己赤手捉拿真凶。