福斯(Peakpeemapol 饰)一直以为自己和女友阿金之间的感情十分亲密,对其深深信赖,哪知道某一日竟然在意外之中得知了阿金一脚踏两船的秘密。深受打击的福斯只能够借酒消愁,在派对上喝得东倒西歪,不省人事。同学阿提将福斯送回了家,哪知道那一夜,两人之间竟然产生了说不清道不明的奇异感情。 布克是一班之长,...
Inspired by 1850’s tale of the Saddleworth Witch. A young woman returns to her father’s country house on the moors, following his mysterious death and discovers a cursed amulet, connected to local witchcraft. She discovers the amulet has dark powers and will grant you your greatest wish, but ...