Based on the H. P. Lovecraft story of the same name, a folklorist investigates reports of unusual creatures in Vermont only to uncover more than he bargained for@
London Kills tells the story of a team of top murder detectives, shot like a documentary. Each episode features a different murder in addition to a serialized story involving the lead detective’s missing wife.
跟随探险家Paul Rose一起沿着探险先驱们的足迹作一次环航吧 1、环球航行 CIRCUMNAVIGATION 斐迪南·麦哲伦1519年-1521年率领船队首次环航地球,他们向西出发,寻找香料之岛,死于菲律宾他船上餘下的水手却在他死后继续向西航行,回到欧洲。 2、库克船长 THE MAKING OF CAPTAIN COOK 航海冒险使库克由一个默默无闻的人...
瞒着父亲(汤姆•汉克斯 Tom Hanks饰)从法学院辍学准备当作家的特洛伊•盖博(科林•汉克斯 Colin Hanks 饰)在报纸上看到一则征个人助理的广告,发现自己的未来老板竟然是曾经风靡一时的“伟大的巴克•霍华德”。巴克(约翰•马尔科维奇 John Malkovich 饰)是个精神第一论者,能通过意念催眠、透视和寻找物品。他的神奇...
In the not too distant future, a viral plague has swept the earth. In a matter of weeks, it decimated 99% of men. The 1% were sent to The Facility in New Zealand but didn’t survive. Or did they?
在父亲的生日宴会上,一面镜子的突然碎裂让吉娜(琳娜·海蒂 Lena Headey 饰)和众人感到了深深的不安。第二天,吉娜来到工作的医院,却被告知就在不久之前自己刚刚离开了医院。对于这一异象,吉娜只以为是同事眼花,但之后发生的事情却让她再也无法保持平静——无论是大街上正在行驶的红色越野车,还是车中所坐的女子...
Five teenagers compete to win a mansion owned by entrepreneur and scientist Atticus Virtue. To win the teens must face-off against a super computer named HAVEN who controls the mansion.