《12把椅子》小说中的骗子主角奥斯塔普·本德尔的前传故事。 帝国的黄金狩猎仍在继续。一根无价的魔杖,一个本应在阳光明媚的里约热内卢提供童话般生活的宝藏,从易卜拉欣·本德尔和他的年轻学生奥斯塔普顽强的手中溜走,落入内斯托尔·马赫诺手中。他确信,这并不是唯一隐藏在附近的珍贵文物。因此,红军、白军、土匪...
The Jetsons have made their film debut in a film about family, friends, and all that stuff. George's tightwad boss, Mr. Spacely, is determined to get his remote factor on his ore asteroid miles away to make 1,000,000 sprocketts, but all the vice-presidents sent to run it have disappeared...