In a luxurious seaside villa, a modest young woman finds herself in the company of a strange family: an unknown and wealthy father, his extravagant wife, his daughter, an ambitious woman, a rebellious teenager, and their creepy maid. Someone is lying. Between suspicions and lies, a mystery g...
His triumph over The Flea, has made Antboy hugely popular. But he is now up against a more formidable foe in the shape of the new boy in school, a smooth charmer who is fully intent on luring Ida away from Pelle. Pelle also finds himself being haunted; a brand new supervillain has announced h...
巨龙Drago(帕特里克·斯图尔特配音)曾与Gareth国王结合。 国王死后,他的潜在继承人双胞胎孙辈相互争夺王位。 当Drago的力量源强 “心火” 被盗时,国家危在旦夕......
【仙履奇缘3: 时间魔法】是一个全新的故事,跟第二集以短篇合集的方式并不同,在第三集的故事当中,Cinderella 那位坏心的后母居然发现了魔法的秘密,便去偷了神仙教母的魔杖,用魔法让时光倒流,让仙度瑞拉如今的幸福化為泡影,恢復当初灰姑娘时期受到虐待的生活。 本片由Frank Nissen 执导,编剧则由 Steve Benc...
Herbert Vesely was one of the promises for a new German cinema already in the 50s, but after the 60s his star was already dimmed. He made a small number of films in the 70s and 80s, all non too good. This biography of Egon Schiele, one of the most important Austrian artists, is an example of ...