Its Christmas and Zip and Zap are up to their old tricks. But this time theyve gone too far and their punishment will be no Christmas vacation and a seemingly boring boat trip with their parents instead. To their surprise, the destination is a spectacular remote island. But a terrifying storm...
影片的主人公泽皮(Zipi )和扎佩(Zape)来自西班牙广为人知的漫画,就像法国的“小淘气尼古拉”和英国的“哈利波特”,他们的名字合在一起是西班牙语中“混乱”的意思。他们于1947年在漫画家José Escobar Saliente的笔下被创造。泽皮和扎佩是一对双胞胎,喜欢冒险,每每总能以机智化险为夷。他们在学校里专司调皮捣蛋。...