A young woman (Rosemary Wilcox) is haunted by pop-Freudian dreams of her recently murdered psychologist (and lover), so for some reason she goes to a resort where the psychologist liked to hang out and becomes involved with a gangster (Adolf Celli) and the strange female resort owner (Alida V...
In the 13th century there existed a legion of evil knights known as the Templars, who quested for eternal life by drinking human blood and committing sacrifices. Executed for their unholy deeds, the Templars bodies were left out for the crows to peck out their eyes. Now, in modern day Portuga...
祸害无辜的 骑士卷土重来,被死亡所诅咒变成丧尸的他们在几百年间每七年便找一名年轻美貌的女子做祭品,然后献给邪神。哈瑞博士和他的女友冒死调查此事,却遭到了城堡附近村民的阻拦。但当他们不顾一切救下一个祭品女孩后,事情发生了意想不到的转折,丧尸们开始在村庄里展开屠杀……