Following the success of their feature debut Jennifer’s Shadow (2004) – an exercise in American Gothic set in a scary land called Argentina – Pablo Parés and Daniel de la Vega worked for a US company on a post-mega-disaster wasteland zombie film in which South America had been turned into an...
故事开始于1923年加利福尼亚的的瓜达洛普大沙漠,传奇导演Cecile B. DeMille正在拍摄一部名为《十诫》的无声史诗电影。这部电影是根据DeMille自己的想法来拍摄的,这和33年后(1956年)DeMille再次拍摄的Charlton Heston主演的著名版本完全不同。但是片场频繁出现的离奇死亡事件,让DeMille烦恼不已--更令人感到恐...
芭比是时尚偶像,她的家富丽堂皇,好朋友们和完美先生都为她着迷。 她样样精通,却依然谦逊而亲切,她不断鼓励她的朋友们直面任何挑战。Raquelle 大胆畅想,野心勃勃,总是想超越芭比。本季继续讲述芭比热闹非常的日常生活。
It was supposed to be an adventure of a lifetime as three young girls spend the summer in Thailand. But their adventure quickly becomes a nightmare when the trio unleashes the spirit of a murdered child with only one thing on her mind - revenge.
近出镜繁多的Idris Elba(Tyler Perrys Daddys Little Girls (2007) The Reaping (2007) 28 Weeks Later (2007) )成为了本片中家庭的一名成员;两个资深的老演员Regina King和 Loretta Devine饰演了片中的两名家长,正是歌坛风头浪尖的新生代Chris Brown也加盟本片,扮演一名身藏不露的歌手;已经快成为黑人街舞片代...