彼得·特拉维斯在影片中描绘了致力于瓦解南非种族隔离制度的人物与大事件,本片在圣丹斯独立电影节上首映。 《终局》(Endgame)是一部基于事实的政治悬疑片,有着强烈的真实感,在对各个角色的参与进行了高度提炼之后,已不仅仅是记录当时历史,还是充满戏剧张力。拍摄这种“现代历史剧”,是英国人的强项。 片中所说的...
Tom Sizemore plays Jack Durant, a dynamic and dangerous gentleman who runs the most famous steakhouse in the city. He caters to movie stars, politicians and mobsters. He knows all their secrets but does anyone really know the man they call Jack Durant?
Theo Abrams is an ex-Cape Town fireman suffering from severe Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Unable to return to work due to the psychological trauma sustained during a failed rescue mission, an increasingly frustrated and volatile Theo's world is rocked when one morning, he wakes up nex...
Tom Sizemore plays Jack Durant, a dynamic and dangerous gentleman who runs the most famous steakhouse in the city. He caters to movie stars, politicians and mobsters. He knows all their secrets but does anyone really know the man they call Jack Durant?
Theo Abrams is an ex-Cape Town fireman suffering from severe Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Unable to return to work due to the psychological trauma sustained during a failed rescue mission, an increasingly frustrated and volatile Theo's world is rocked when one morning, he wakes up nex...