在海上航行多年,两个水手返回自己的家园。然而等候他们的不是一个新开始,而是即将发生的巨大灾难:一个水坝,始建于100多年前的英国殖民统治时期,潜在的崩塌威胁即将打破。显然,这场灾难并不是不可避免的…… 故事围绕电影中的中心建筑:一座英国于殖民时期在印度修建的拥有百年历史的大坝进行。如“ 大坝”一般,电...
潜入无法形容的恐怖作为Sharknado的卡西谢尔博深处来面对翅的吸血海怪在这个悬念普照冷水机一大群共同主演乔纳森力普尼基(杰里·马圭尔),布兰登 - 比默(电视台的“大胆与美丽”)和凯文·多布森(电视的“绳结登陆”)。而疏浚黄金下方白令海,兄弟姐妹唐娜(谢尔博)和乔(力...
在他的第二部 Netflix 原创单口喜剧特辑《杰夫·邓咸:我在我身边》中,腹语表演者、著名喜剧明星杰夫·邓咸讨论了养育子女和红眼病,并一直尽其所能地讽刺政治正确。本特辑在邓纳姆的家乡得克萨斯州达拉斯的美国航空中心录制。邓咸的身边围绕着一群不寻常的伙伴,他当真得靠边站:沃尔特、巴巴·J、花生、棍子上的小辣...
Series about an ex-con-turned-private-investigator named Jim Rockford who would rather run away than fight and would rather go fishing than work. He isn"t a coward, and he isn"t lazy--just a bit on the cautious side, that"s all. And he bears a very strong resemblance to Western TV hero Bret M...
Kou is searching for his older brother Takumi, who left home and has gone missing in the city. Worried that hes in trouble, Kou decides not to go home until hes found him, only to find him all too easily. Takumi, it turns out, has become head of the Mikuni Detective Agency, and has no intenti...