恐怖!致命!最危险的毒蛇大军入侵西部小镇 亡命之徒比尔来到偏远西部小镇,那里以充满黑帮,犯罪闻名,然而这群穷凶恶极的罪犯,即将面临最恐怖的敌人:沙漠毒蛇大军!一大群拥有剧毒的的毒蛇涌入小镇,只要被咬上一口立即命丧黄泉,镇民们陆续惨死,剩下的人被迫聚集在一起,此时比尔急中生智用炸药将蛇群炸死,但...
当马克思从伤病中恢复后,他做了一个夜间保安,他也开始经常能看到一个神秘的女子出现在商店的镜子中,是幻觉还是...于镜子入面,亡灵仍然「活着」,无时无刻等待着复仇的机会…… 在一次车祸中丧失未婚妻的麦斯,为帮父亲而暂时于重开的五月天百货做夜间保安,自此他便常常看见「异像」。 麦斯上班不久便时常遇上怪事...
Bruno is an architect who has a perfect life: A nice family and a good job. Anyway, Bruno has a deep sense of unease. He decides to leave his wife to be alone and have time to find him self. A business man offers him to build an iconic landmark in Santiago city. Motivated by this professional...
Grace is excited for the summer so she can start a business with her friends, but things take an unexpected turn when her mom announces a trip to Paris. There, Grace must learn to get along with her French cousin, Sylvie, and she finds unexpected inspiration for her business. Then, Grace find...
What do you do when the party of the year kicks you to the curb? Simple... create your own! When Sean (Franz Drameh, Attack the Block) and his friends are refused entry to the night of ...
影片由《重返猛鬼屋》导演维克多·加西亚执导,大卫·辛吉斯担任制片人。故事讲述的是由费辛利扮演的美国男人在哥伦比亚籍妻子死后,带着自己新未婚妻找回自己叛逆女儿吉尔的故事。因途中一次车祸,他们被困于一个破旧不堪的小旅馆内,却发现旅馆主人在地下室里囚禁着一个小女孩儿,决定将小 女孩救出无奈却发生了一系...