Der kommer en dag is a movie about an orphanage where violence and humiliations is a part of the everyday life. The history is based on real stories from a boy home called godhavn, where lots of boys were victims of violent and sexual abuse and medical experiments.
加拿大家庭频道出品的青少年电视剧《艺校故事》(Backstage)于2016年开播,在美国则由迪士尼频道播出。这部充满歌舞、活力和戏剧性的电视剧由RT!、Director X等多位著名MV导演参与执导,采用日记的形式,讲述一群天赋超群的年轻人进入著名的艺术学校学习的日常生活。他们需要克服自身的恐惧,收敛自己的锋芒,在学习...
A father and his two teenage sons travel to a small mountain cabin for a male bonding adventure. When a lost tourist arrives at the cabin, their male-bonding outing turns into a struggle for survival.
影片根据真实故事改编。杰克·阿布拉莫夫是所谓的“政治机器”,尽管他自己并不是政治家,但却对政治了如指掌。从大学时代开始,杰克就是一个政治的狂热爱好者,他雄心勃勃地支持里根竞选总统。数十年之后,杰克·阿布拉莫夫又开始了自己投机倒把的 “说客”生涯,并且利用自己和政府高官的关系开办了许多赌场。 围绕着自己的“生...
Based on a true story, John Larroquette plays a hotshot executive that ends up in court over a certain charge. He is sentenced to community service. He is assigned to coach a basketball team of mentally handicap citizens. At first, he is reluctant and thinks selfishly of his own needs. Later ...