Tanner一家是一户普通的美国家庭。一天,一个不速之客“降临”在他们面前。他身材矮小,他全身被毛,他态度傲慢,他是一个来自Melmac星球的外星人。Tanner一家不知所措,给他起了个“外号”:ALF(allien life form)。Tanner一家宁静的生活被这个新成员所打破,一起上演了一幕幕诙谐而温馨的故事……
An adventurous woman with a secret from her husband insists the couple go camping to reconnect. Something in the woods wipes out a group of hunters nearby, preventing the couple from leaving their tent. Secrets and supernatural stories come to light, and they must determine if the real threat...
When former LAPD officer Brett Anderson takes a job as head of security at an old apartment building in Bulgarias capital, Sofia, he soon begins to experience a series of bizarre and terrifying events. Once he begins to delve deeper into the buildings sinister history and investigate its shad...
传说中,初生的婴儿都具有阴阳眼。 相爱的裴儿和阿平正等待着第一个宝贝的诞生,看似平静的郊区生活,却被阿平引火自焚的阿姨给破坏了,突然出现的阿姨尖叫灾祸即将降临,被眼前景象所惊吓到的裴儿,早产生下第一胎。 虽然早产却是个健康的小男婴,但令人不解的是,小男婴总是没有理由的哭喊着。经过医生的诊断, 认...
Newly engaged comic Iliza Shlesinger dives into undeniable truths about life at age 35, the insanity of the road traveled and whats to come.
形式大於内容,玩儿噱头多於做设计的现象在时装周越来越多见。Pam Hogg 上一季大玩全裸露背制服诱惑令人咋舌,这一次干脆把不该露的也全露了!Pam Hogg 2013秋冬时装展的模特儿穿著强悍机械感的紧身连体衣和芭蕾舞鞋搔首弄姿,薄纱透视装让模特儿的身体一览无遗,连男模也戴著假指甲涂著艺妓唇,让人分不清这是&ldq...