Tik为了逃避父亲为他安排上的军事学校而不得不假扮成女生,并自愿加入了“Curry Angel”这个学校中前卫的人妖组合。至于Nan则是Noni的孪生妹妹,并且刚刚从国外回来。见到Nan的时候Tik就爱上了她,在努力跟Nan亲近了之后才知道原来Nan讨厌男生,因为她觉得男人常常说谎!这使得Tik不敢将自己假扮成人妖这件事告诉Nan。...
Güeros is a road movie in which the travellers barely manage to leave town. A coming of age comedy which pays homage to the French new wave, it was filmed in black-and-white and in 4:3 ratio. Being a somewhat unusual film, Güeros begins with a rather different kind of explosion: a water bomb ...