派特·贝克(托尼·德普 Tony Doupe 饰)是小镇的一位警长。然而他的儿子科特·贝克(亚伦·布莱克利 Aaron Blakely 饰)却有着极其黑暗的过去。十三年前,他因残酷地杀害了自己的亲生母亲而被关进了精神病院。 然而噩梦就在科特逃离精神病院那刻开始了。精神错 乱的科特不仅大开杀戒,更展开了可怕的复仇杀戮。心急如焚...
The story follows Juha who develops an unexpected but powerful connection with a dominatrix named Mona, following a tragic event in his life that has left him emotionally paralyzed. His dangerous addiction to suffocation is reciprocated by Mona leading qiwan.cc them both down a wild and crazy...
California gold rush, late 1800's: A gun slinging bounty hunter (Mortimer) travels deep into the mountains to find a deadly Apache warrior (Brother Wolf) who is wanted by the law. Along the way he passes through a gold mining Town. The miners help direct Mortimer to the Apache and send him on...
快人快语的Guy 带着他精神脆弱的妻子Corrine到美丽的哥斯达黎加度假。他是为了生意去那里的,一路上他几乎没有放下手机。愤世嫉俗的Solange及其脾气火爆的情人Joaquim和他表面上是傻子的兄弟Nicky一直跟踪着他们。这三位打算绑架可怜的Corrine来迫使Guy放手他们委托他保管的一大笔 猴岛历险钱。所有的人都进入了一...