宠坏的处于青春期的惠特尼被选举为她们班的班长,这是一所富人学校---宾福特中学,位于费城。惠特尼有自己最要好的朋友,同时也是副班长的琳赛的支持。她承诺会为全班同学举办一场超棒的正式舞会,甚至包括获得奖学金的同学们。 惠特尼在和她的朋友们一起挑选正式的礼...
After painter Michael "Mike" Sheldrake"s failed suicide attempt, house-mate and life-long best friend Peter Tremaine, an antiques shop owner, reminisces their common past, like Mike does in therapy. It started at the beach, when scrubby, scared Mikey become the dependent protégé...
黄金时代2006 Goldene Zeiten
命运给帕乌(素格力?威塞哥饰)开了一个玩笑。他是泰国最大的日用品生产公司总裁、炙手可热的青年才俊。但当他遇见万妮达(艾丝特?苏普莉拉饰)——一位法律公司美女秘书,生活的规矩偏向了完全不同的方向。 万妮达听从闺蜜樊子(彭干雅?查仑育饰)的建议,准备在豪华游艇上和男朋友塔纳瓦(吉克斯?梅非丹饰)共度甜蜜...
故事围绕出身贫寒的牧野杉菜而发生,她被势利的父母强迫就读一所由在政经界最具影响力的四大家族,为培养优秀后代而创立的贵族学校:英德学园(Eitoku Gakuen),四大家族的继承人──道明寺司、花泽类、西门总二郎、美作明号称“F4”(Flower 4、花之四人组),在学校有着各种特权。
Porn has gone mainstream; the question is, can we handle it? This exploration of the intersection of sex and technology is told through the stories of the people whose lives are defined by the current explosion of internet porn-whether theyre creating it, consuming it, or both.