Andy Warhol的艺术作品以通俗/庸俗见称,可以把罐头汤当作画的主题,把玛莉莲梦露画得色彩斑烂。Warhol监製的着名乐队Velvet Underground所唱的歌曲的主题都围绕着毒品与颓废生活。而由他出品,Paul Morrissey执导的电影,亦是不惶多让,例如描写的是一个牛郎似的颓废男子的生活,好逸恶劳,终日游手好閒,吸毒,在...
凡是青春就要求爱,四个年轻小伙子这次要向泡妞高手杰克讨教,看如何才能正确地把妹、交到女朋友,让自已也成为「闪光」一族。 然而爱情军师杰克自已也是一个头两个大,他似乎不像自已说的「一次搞定32个妹」,相反地,面临因怀孕而逼婚的女友感到手足无措,在决定以分手收场之后,这回杰克可尝到失去真爱的痛,后...
州政府为节省财务开支,计划把分别由拉萨雷和毛瑟所领导的两所警校撤销一所,为了从生存竞争中胜出,两位校长各施所能,毛瑟在州长与学监面前大拍马屁,并且暗中在拉萨雷警校中安插了两名内线;而拉萨雷则召回了昔日优秀学生担任教官助阵,于是马哈尼(斯蒂夫•古根伯格 Steve Guttenberg 饰)、黑巨人高塔、泰克布雷...
48 hours in the life of a burnt-out City lawyer who loses his job, falls for a call girl and steals £400,000 from a gangland boss - who wants every penny of it back.
Guy is a geek who always gets pushed around. He has a crush on Nana, a popular girl whos also the object of desire of Trai, the colleges chief bully. When Trai finds out that Guy is also in love with the girl of his dreams, he reveals himself as a wolf and hurts his love rival. To fight back,...
希瑞、丑娃、宝贝老板、宝贝老板、巨怪猎人,Netflix的荧屏这些都不是梦!Netflix将与梦工场动画电视部门在2018年联合推出六套动画原创新剧集! 首当其冲便是《魔发精灵:节奏延续》(Trolls: The Beat Goes On,暂译)1月19日开播。而最引人瞩目的便是上世纪80年代风靡一时的《希瑞》(She-Ra,暂译)的全新动画剧集!...
Some time after the Mousekewitzs have settled in America, they find that they are still having problems with the threat of cats. That makes them eager to try another home out in the west, where they are promised that mice and cats live in peace. Unfortunately, the one making this claim is an ...
Set in the African Savanna, the film follows Kion as he assembles the members of the Lion Guard. Throughout the film, the diverse team of young animals will learn how to utilize each of their unique abilities to solve problems and accomplish tasks to maintain balance within the Circle of Life...