一生代表著自由與叛逆的龐克文化,她不可一世、挑戰禁忌,不理被主流排斥。70年代,Vivienne Westwood與前伴侶Sex Pistols經理人令倫敦吹起一陣龐克風。龐克時尚就是反叛的標記,時裝寄託了她的一種政治表態。「西太后」果敢地透過時裝發起一場場保衞環境的運動,由個人叛逆伸延到愛與地球的精神,在鼓吹消費的時尚...
从哈布斯堡王朝到神圣罗马帝国,维也纳是中欧的统治中心。历史学家Simon Sebag Montefiore讲述欧洲名城维也纳的兴衰。
This film follows the moving story of 29-year-old Japanese journalist, Shiori Ito, who alleges she was raped by a well-known TV journalist and biographer of Japan’s prime minister, Noriyuki Yamaguchi, after the two met for a work dinner in 2015. Mr Yamaguchi strenuously denies the claims.Desp...
A team of Finnish divers suffers a devastating loss when two of their friends dont make it back to the surface on a deep dive in an underwater cave in Norway. After unsuccessful attempts are made by international authorities to retrieve the bodies, the cave is closed off. The fallen colleague...