"I Am Evel Knievel" features footage of Evel"s greatest jumps, including the seminal Snake River Canyon and Caesars Palace jumps. The film also showcases Knievel"s rise from a small town rebel in Butte, Montana, to a cultural icon whose rise to super-stardom was built on nerves of steel and ...
故事发生在风景宜人的布宜诺斯艾利斯,玛利亚(玛丽亚•卡纳莱 María Canale 饰)、索菲亚(玛婷娜•戎卡黛拉Martina Juncadella 饰)和维奥莱塔(爱林•萨拉斯 Ailín Salas 饰)是情同手足的三姐妹,自幼失去父母的她们和外婆住在一起,过着相依为命的生活,祖孙之间的感情十分的亲密。可是今年夏天,一切将会变得不同...
查理(保罗·霍根 Paul Hogan 饰)是个固执又任性的老头子,生活的不如意让他丧失了热情,每日都在郁郁寡欢之中度过。看到父亲的精神状态如此之糟糕,身为儿子的布茨(肖恩·雅各逊 Shane Jacobson 饰)心里十分着急,尽管父子两人之间有诸多的争执,感情十分淡漠,可毕竟血浓于水,布茨决定主动出击,改变这一现状。 ...
Bordering on Bad Behavior is a politically incorrect comedy that entertains and enthralls the viewer into a strategic moment in history where wrong is right and right is wrong, and ultimately answers that age-old question: Is blood really thicker than water? And, if war kills, can weed heal!