故事的整个世界与地球几乎相当,主要分为两片大陆。位于西面的是“日落国度”维斯特洛(westeros ,英文原意为西方大陆),面积约等于南美洲。位于东面的是一块面积、形状近似于亚欧大陆的陆地。 故事的主线便发生在西方的形似不列颠岛的维斯特洛大陆上。由国王劳勃·拜拉席恩前往北地拜访他的好友:临冬城主暨北境统领...
Percy (Alex Russell) and Veronica (Willa Holland) have been housesitting at a palatial modern spread in the Hollywood Hills for the summer, but the real world of New York, jobs and young professional struggles are merely days away. Nonetheless they are in a hurry to leave this paradise, becau...
Reveals the events behind Kurt Cobain"s death as seen through the eyes of Tom Grant, the private investigator that was hired by Courtney Love in 1994 to track down her missing husband (Kurt Cobain) only days before his deceased body was found at their Seattle home. Cobain"s death was ruled a ...
星期六,2012年1月一季度年时的比赛前的第18位。一个小时的Apocalypse.In之前的一个小镇,法国,Caplongue的东北部,奠定了核电厂,是农业产业化和教堂比信息通信技术aussi失业率目标,足球队下,所有这一切都勉强达到1 /第32届法国杯决赛有很多的勇气和才华。这个镇更在接收发送的巴黎奥运会,与著名footballers.Fo...
未來世界有三寶──性、科技、無可救藥的癮君子。時空背景設於未來的布魯克林,年輕廣告AE 大衛成天狂歡,與崇尚瑜珈的女友漸行漸遠,還暗戀麻吉的性感女友蘇菲。空虛的生活,在虛擬實境眼鏡「AUGMENTA」問世後,似乎找到了出口。只要戴上它,動動手指頭,「虛擬蘇菲」就會躍然眼前,性感胴體或是誘人對話,任由操控。...